Ellenbrook Men’s Shed

Who are we?

We are a community based, non-profit, non-commercial, registered charitable organization which is accessible to all men in the Ellenbrook and District area. Our primary aim is to provide a friendly welcoming and safe, environment where men are able to work on meaningful projects at their own pace in the company of other like-minded men.

What are our objectives?                                                                                                                                                                                 WebmS1

To initiate and continue activities of particular relevance to men

To preserve, expand and disseminate skills relevant to our members and our community

To develop partnerships with the Ellenbrook community and its various organisations

To engage with the elderly;; differently abled; veterans; indigenous; and any other groups of men from the Ellenbrook District who may have issues with loneliness; isolation; or depression, and to offer support to men who may be in a transitional period of their lives by virtue of redundancy, bereavement, retirement, ill health, relocation or respite care.

To address issues of men’s health and well-being with our members by way of talks, and if necessary to advise them of links to health related agencies, or health professionals within the community.

To develop a Men’s Shed which operates on a cost-neutral basis with operating costs exceeded by revenue on an annual basis.